Mr. White

That is a fabulous story. I've always felt that Keanu had a good heart, and seems the type that laughs all the way to the bank when folks diss his acting skills. As a motorcycle enthusiast though…Harleys? Ugh… I guess it's the gold standard for status and not performance.

Yeah, I think you'll be fine.

Well, if you're Christian.

Seconded and well said.

(Spray paints vaguely new-wave looking logo on side of armored personnel carrier.)

It's that fairy Frenchie vodka. It all works the same way and I can get a big ass bottle at Costsco for a good price. Strange, been going through a lot of it lately.

It's all coming back to me, my MILF/cougar fetish can be traced back to seeing Class for the first time.

Thanks. Another day of terrifying presidential tweets, lapses of judgement and assorted nonsense. (Cracks open a fresh bottle of Grey Goose)

Ironically, the EPA.

Look, it's the crappy Star Wars parody nobody asked for!

Silly me, how could I forget?

Let him insulate his base. Their numbers are dwindling.

The local Farm and Fleet can carry her line.

I'm sure lots of "snowflakes" and "libtards" being thrown about.

I'm going to interpretive dance my displeasure that the OA is being renewed.

Nah. Right now he's kicking back in Cabo with the Swedish bikini team and some ice cold brewskis. DON'T RUIN MY ILLUSION.

My thoughts exactly. I pray that it's captured on video.

You left out something: "a styrofoam cup of bourbon AND cigarette butts"

Step one, don't take a dangerous cocktail of prescription drugs.

2 years ago I spent 4 days in the hospital after a motorcycle accident broke my femur in 2 places. Surgery, titanium rod, the works. One thing I noticed is that opioids don't agree with me at all. They made me feel nauseous and awful. When the doctor was prescribing meds for my discharge, I mentioned several times