
They don't have white people dressing as indians in your town? Missing out dude. Big time.

By the time Avatar 2 hits theaters the most important question will not be how much it's made in the US, but 1) Does it get in China as the first one did, and 2) how much it'll make in that country, which is projected to surpass the North American box office next year.

The ending of the novel is f't up.

Yeah. So lets go with a woman, playing an Asian-born-mystic. That's the way to go.

I'm surprised no one seem to care about the white-washing of the Ancient One. Talk about having a pull over the audiences.

Better the rich-guy who makes the studio dance to his tune than the rich guy who dances to the tune of the studio. #chooseyourbattles

Suspected there were something chavy about his behavior and thought first he was a geordie. Thanks for clearing it up.

I grew up with martial art movies before I saw Star Wars. So the lightsabers+fights never did anything for me. Having seen TFA now, I don't think I can forgive the frenchise for wasting the casting of the cast from The Raid. #sadface

From what I've seen in the documentary "Look who's back", that Hitler chap was kinda alright.

The revisionist view on Avatar is not so surprising when one remembers how the same critics treated Titanic. Empire magazine went so far as to first give the film a second review that was more in line with the view of their readers on THAT "teenage-girls-movie". They reversed their decision later.

It's about perspective. One need not make much effort to see how ridiculous "The Force" is, or how utterly devoid of substance the Star Wars are. Big planet, lots of space for everything.

Avatar got more awards from critics, got a better audiencescore than a movie like TFA, got more Oscar nominations (inluding nominations for direction and picture), made more money than any other movie (specially one not based on a pre-existing IP), and yet its appeal (and that of Titanic) is STILL treated as some

In the Twitter-age, too d*** many people seem to think petitions can change facts if enough number of people click on something or add their name to a list.

Talentwise she's the DDL of young actresses, and unlike Lawrence actually talks like a normal person. With better people aroud her she could blow up and send Lawrence back to Kentucky where her one-note-acting deserves to be.

Quentin Tarantino is an "actor's director"? Hmm. I know he's a gifted writer, and actors LOVE his scripts and dialogue, but I've rarely been wowed by the dramatic acting in a Tarantino movie. PT is great and Russell is like the Meryl Streep of movie directors; somehow somewhat he gets a nomination for his actors, even

They better bring a black consultent on any movie thematically connected to "blackness", a gay consultent on "gay movies", a geek on consultent on superhero movies.

I watch SVU, and it's more like sexual-murder unit. It's funny how there is only one show about, according to the author of this article, rape is so much worse than murder in how it destroys the enjoyment of a fictional show.

I don't know who these men and women are who thought Jaime was anything but a vile CHARACTER. How the f*** can one redeem one who tried to kill a child so that he wouldn't tell on him and his sister?

Imagine if there were shows about rape of the week instead of the killing of the week.

Mee too. I used to tolerate it before. But ever since Hotel Rwanda I've really become sensitive about this kind horrors.