
Who, tragically, was not that into women.

There sort of was a small step last week, but you know how kids are.

The opener with the phone ringing and the fade from black to a pan across the room made me think of The Rockford Files. Don't know if that's an intentional reference.

Just putting a name to a face, so to say. I'm pretty sure it's the same guy as before, though — he's using the Jaqen-face to make life easier for Arya, but mostly for the viewers. It could be anyone with that face, and it could be that face on anybody, but it's probably never going to be, as that would make the plot

Regarding Pycelle's farting, here's a friendly reminder that this exists: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
The scene you're looking for is at 4:47, but just watch the whole thing if you somehow haven't seen it already. It's gold.

Apparently, this is the episode I've been waiting for for ages. I mean:
1) finally, somebody attempts to stand up to the Faith Militant;
2) finally, King Tommen seems to grow a pair, or at the very least realizes he needs to, badly — and knows the right person to turn to;
3) finally, somebody realizes that unleashing the

I fully expected Kim to at least mouth the word silently after Hamlin entered the building.