
I don't blame her, but I also don't respond well to it. haha I dunno how to explain it, while I understand the impulses it also just makes her unlikable to me. She comes off just as selfish and petty as anyone else, I guess is my point. Anyway, that is just one opinion of course. I can see why others are cheering her

I don't understand this part entirely though. Because it was revealed that Alison signed custody over to Cole and Luisa (which she thought were temporary), and maybe I am misremembering but it sounded like Luisa and Cole were present as well. So wouldn't they have been aware she was in a clinic? I am very hazy on

I just disagree, sorry. I think it is best for a child to rebuild a relationship with her mother if the mother is willing and interested and repentant. I think it's a worse situation for Joanie not to, and to feel truly "abandoned" by Alison.

I don't remember what this comment was! I don't "think" I would have replied to it if it had been offensive and objectionable like the one above. But my deepest apologies if I was seen to support inappropriate language for talking about Luisa, whom I dislike but is just a tv character after all.

I can blame her a little bit. I understand it, of course it's human. But it's also why I feel she is ultimately looking out for herself, while chastising Alison for not putting her needs before Joanie as Alison is trying to rebuild trust and a relationship. The insecurity is creating the tense environment she is

Am not a fan of the performance either. Seems very one note, but that again might be the limitations of the character/perspective.

I still feel she is a terrible person in reality. Maybe not terrible, but insecure in petty ways which handicaps her ability to be sympathetic. I realize her "character" is a perception, but I don't think it's a complete fabrication. I am just not a fan, and I also I am not compelled by the actress. Which might be the

Yeah, sorry if this is an unpopular opinion, but I cannot stand Luisa. And I don't understand comments saying she is the best person on the show, and a saint. At least not as she has been revealed in this season. Last season I agree she was a blessing to Cole and brought him back from the brink of irrevocable despair.