
I agree. In fact I refuse in the first instance to try to connect all the tiny dots cos this is not conventional linear narrative.
I prefer to let it all wash over me, get the feel of it in a first viewing. The visual, atmospheric and aesthetic aspects are a priority in a Lynch experience.
Even when you're not fully

Unless you can fucking point out which part of my fucking post is fucking not calm, you can shut your fucking face.
You are hereby banished from the fucking Black Lodge for fucking eternity.

Why you no like The Brando?

I suppose your adjectives "asinine" which could be interpreted in many ways.
If a scene throws the viewer there's usually something deeper going on. Just saying.

Extra bothered to get 5 minutes they didn't want?
I'm praying for all of you.
May Lynch's visuals rise up to hit you in the face.

Nervous? You letting it all get to you?

How is Twin Peaks a real community? That's the very norm Lynch has been demolishing for over 25 years.
Haven't you been watching?

If she could trade some links for acting range, we'd all be better off.

Pity she has no acting range.


Yep, so many seem to have missed the point.

You're saying I am unable to perceive your calling, that I am smug and self-righteous, and YOU are embarrassed for ME?
May I suggest you look up some definitions of trolling?
I'd give you mine but I don't want to keep embarrassing you.
You absolutely don't belong in the Lynchian Universe.

If you're a complete stranger why did you troll me? You reacted negatively to me first, not I to you.

Good grief! That scene was cinematically so meaningful in its parody of cherished Hollywood legends and cliches, any more meaning and it would physically jump out from the screen and hit you in the face.

Please don't confuse the man with the work. Pauline Kael used to do this, character assassination and not criticism using cinematic criteria contained in the work.
So I suggest that that interview is irrelevant to responding to this work. One needs to find evidence for one's response from within the work, not from

Yep. Especially in the land of Lynch. Leave linear tidy narratives and plots to second rate filmmakers.

Well said. That's how to get the most out of it in terms of viewing experience.

Totally agree.

Perhaps Lynch wants us to think of Mount Everest as the Third Peak…so he may be suggesting that we're no longer watching the original Twin Peaks…maybe we now have Triplets?

Adjectives are by nature relativistic. Cool-er and cool-est invite comparisons and contrasts.
It's not an approach that can have an ending to satisfy all.
There are many ways to be "cool" or should I say "Kool"?