
Yeah I think that wasn't the best decision, but neither is rushing headlong into a trap. They're trying to do their best under incredibly difficult circums. The stakes are so high! I don't think either of them is wrong.

That's unfair about Francis being unwilling to bend at all. He was willing to go with her up until he became suspicious of James.

No Kenna's definitely the worst. Lola's just kinda shady.

I seriously don't get that hookup; I think it was out of character. Also, what is she using if she's sleeping around and not getting pregnant? Medieval Trojans?!?

I always thought it was corny but now I sort of miss it.

I may be the only one but I can't help liking Francis. Mary seemed so happy with him and I love the whole "love v duty" theme. I'm rooting for those kids

A boycott is silly; Adelaide Kane shouldn't take it seriously. That said, it's annoying that the show definitely promoted a shipper war early on to drum up interest and now they act horrified by the behavior of crazy shippers