
How easy it is to reduce a man's work and passion to a simple dismissive statement. How much of his stand-up have you watched? How many of his podcasts have you listened to? Have you actually given him a chance or did you just watch whatever 5 minute youtube clip that was being shared, formed your unshakable opinion

Hey, Tarantino is making another western *yawn*. Have you considered that it's possible that talent and hard work can take a tried template and transform it into something unique and touching. You know what's it not? It's not a sequel, reboot, or refresh. It's a comedy born from hard work and dedication from one of my

Why does this word get thrown around so easily? How many podcasts or of his stand-ups have you listened to? He regularly confronts these ideas on his show and deals with them in a mature, thoughtful manner. He often debates these issues with his wife on the podcast. What's the point of making these knee-jerk

If the consensus actually listened to his podcast, rather than 5 minutes clips on YouTube, they would know that's bullshit. Bill Burr is one of the funniest stand-ups and is a great, thoughtful guy. This is the exactly the type of bullshit that he rails against.