
Just finished The Sellout, which I enjoyed a lot. It was running out of steam a little towards the end, but damn the first 100 or so pages are savagely brilliant. I repeatedly laughed out loud to myself, which I pretty much never do while reading.

I'm reading number9dream by David Mitchell. It seems to be his forgotten novel amidst all the attention Cloud Atlas, Ghostwritten and Bone Clocks get, but I think it might be my favourite of his. The Murakami influence is obvious, it feels a bit like a tribute to Norwegian Wood in some points. The bowling scene is

I'm coming to the end of City on Fire. It feels like I've read a lot of negativity about this book, but I've enjoyed it a lot. It's a compelling story and some of the prose is beautiful. Though the whole Regan and Keith boring middle-class divorce storyline could easily have been dropped from the book without it

I'm trying to offset my Overwatch fixation by picking up a few very different games in the Steam sale. Dreamfall Chapters, Life is Strange and This War of Mine.

After blazing through four short books to start the year I've started on David Copperfield and slowed right down.

I would love to know how much time, honestly, the people voting for it everywhere have actually spent listening to TPAB this year.