eighties baby

I'm sure we would've all loved to hear about your connection to the crewperson and specific thoughts on the series. Rectify discussion will obviously have a certain amount of political commentary built in as it dissects our justice system in such a unique way. Ironically you're the one hung up on political nonsense

Oh, yeah, I know it's quite dangerous. Most people do it incorrectly. Which is why I said in a prior comment that "…Of course death as a result of erotic and autoerotic asphyxiation gone awry happens..". Of course my end point is that I think the series is being straightforward about Hanna being murdered - whether it

Yikes, nice generalizations. What attitude correction, bro? What did I say or do that so offended you? We're chatting about a television series! Lord almighty. Not to state the obvious or anything but you have no idea how I voted (NOT Clinton or Trump, sorry AV Club) and you have no idea how I reacted to the election.

No misunderstanding. You come off as a SJWW aka someone who wages war against any real or perceived SJW.

I was simply stating why I disagree with @disqus_LxkQiXBWgi:disqus's opinion based on what we know - thus far - about what's been presented within the series. Any legal concepts I referenced were tied to Rectify's narrative and backstory. Considering the subject nature, that's bound to come up within discussion.

The problem is that there is no textual or even subtextual evidence to support the accidental strangulation/consensual version of events. I will eat my hat if this twist is revealed in the finale. I mean Jesus Herbert Walker Christ, people, what series have you been watching? This is not some twisty, topsy, turvy Lost

I can't decide which Daniel monologue was better this season: the one in the first episode where he's taking to Avery about what solitary does to you? Or the one last night detailing the rapes? Difficult to decide.

Apparently karma didn't get the memo that he can't be punished!

Aden Young and Clayne Crawford really do deserve some recognition. The whole series does. Then again, the Emmy's are still nominating Modern Family ffs . Sad because Young is so completely Daniel Holden, much like Cranston and Hamm WERE Walter White and Don Draper respectively. And Clayne really is fantastic.

Same here. Tiny 11inch screen and terrible volume. Perhaps that's why I don't agree with all the music complaints - though I do think there are some instances where it's too heavy / loud. One example from last night I noticed on rematched and that was the scene where Teddy JR tells Ted about the divorce. In hindsight

You think a 16-year old Hanna consented to sexual intercourse with 3 boys - George, Trey and Chris - none of whom she was in love with and/or going out with? There's no indication at this point of consent. Chris admitted it was rape as did Trey last season, I believe, when he found out the statute of limitations for

It's the beauty that hurts most!

I was charged with a crime that I was completely innocent of committing. It was written off as a "youthful indiscretion" by everyone so big right? I would oscillate between shutting down internally or spend hours devoured by feelings too hard to describe. I can only imagine how Daniel feels. I sat at a county jail for

I have to remember to use that line when of one my parents is prying into my "date nights"! lol. So on point.

Likely both. Not to mention George's body was discovered right after (or during?) the scene where Daniel officially accepts the plea deal. I imagine even Daniel, who just wanted the matter resolved, would take pause if all the revelations came out prior (which also included Trey admitting to raping Hanna).

Can someone remind me what the hell Dagget did to make Stern so suspicious of the Sheriff's motives? Is it because Dagget sat on some potentially valuable information and yet sat quietly as Daniel took the plea deal back in the season 2 finale ?

You're dead on! The series needs Stone to make a big entrance and do something in the trial aside from follow Reed and Mickey Doyle into gyms. It gives the Stone character a purpose and takes him away from the series' obsession with skin and other issues (like ED!). At least I hope it does.

The kiss will absolutely serve as a plot point. I'd bet my life on it. I get what you're saying but it honestly made me roll me eyes when I happened and I literally yelled "NOOOOO!" out loud.

Very true. That's a whole 'nother can of worms!

I answered this down thread but aside from the waiver of important rights protected by the constitution, I personally feel that plea deals are coercive by nature. The state has far more power than the defendant and for that reason I wouldn't liken it to resolving a dispute where there is more of an equal footing