
And that is the point she could have found ways to communicate and ask them. Enzo could have spent more time asking and i'm sure they would have let something out but he didn't. Dude just spent more time hating on Damon and whining about wanting a family that is now dead.

How because this character is standing there and assigning blames when he is the reason Bonnie is dying but is also not willing to do whatever is needed to save her because he doesn't want her to leave him. Like I need someone who likes him to explain to me because I'm having hard time getting this character along

Well if her entire plot in 19 is seeing Stefan then she needs to be on set for one scene and that won't require her to be for two weeks.

I did read them. He felt guilty rightfully so. She told him to live his life but not to toast her up and then have sex with the next best thing. It's okay because this is who he is. He lives his life thinking he needs to do the things for him to deserve a woman.

The book at some point after removing the origibal writer and brought in a ghost writer was done to get profit of the fame from Delena due to Nina and Ian happening. It's business it's always about the money. The original writer has already made it clear Bonnie/ Damon and Stefan/Elena are her pairings for the books.

You seem like a DE shipper am I right? I read through most of the things you wrote before writing this.

Never trust anything Caroline Dries says. Ever. She is coming back in 19.

Well the only reason they didn't make them romantic until now was due to that very same chemistry that was about to overshadow the triangle from hell and they couldn't have that since it was all about what Elena wanted.

Elena and her brother were like a whole they literally were there just to drag everyone down. And why this show still want to hold onto Elena of all characters baffles me.

Oh yes horrible writers who thinks the show should revolve around DE having sex and many of the actors ignoring she exists so she keeps writing one mess after the other but it looks like she might be gone soon. fingers crossed.

I agree with everything but the Kai part. Kai was literally on his way to becoming a mess until Chris decided nah he wasn't interested in a washed over character. His stans were already calling him a misunderstood puppy and that Bonnie should bend over for him as if she owes him anything.

We will have to agree to disagree on the chemistry part, lol, nope. Being in situations were you bat your eyelashes doesn't create chemistry nor does antagonistic "tension" mean chemistry to me. So there is that.

I love Damon with all my heart, he is my fave male character on this show and 1 of the 2 characters on this show I still like.

They are forcing this whole Bonnie Enzo thing that I feel like rme whenever they try it. Seriously taking Bamon scenes and thing and trying to parallel them won't make us love them especially when you have Bonnie following him around for no apparent reason but to tell me hey look see something that isn't there.