
I prefer pie myself.

I think it's an intentional phallusy. (non lit majors probably won't get that joke)

I'm guessing this animated film will be more like South park and less like Disney.

So was Hitler.

Writing a good pop song isn't that hard…

well, to be fair - she was cloned from Mariah Carry.

What makes it so good?

I liked her ok when she was a spice girl.

Well, they did rave over Kayne West's latest abortion - I mean album.

This album proves why pop stars have other people write their own songs.

>But goddamn, it's actually really good.

Or maybe you should just have a root canal. It would be a lot more enjoyable.

A lot of people expected more from MBV than they could have ever delivered. It was their first album after Loveless - 20 years ago. There's no way anyone could live up to that kind of hype.

Good list only if you have crappy taste in music….

I'm not a GaGa fan by ANY means, but I have a lot of respect for her. It really isn't my kind of music, but I don't think lists like this (or the grammy nominations) are giving her enough credit.

I'll admit to really LOVE Daft Punk, but I really hate Random Access memory. It feels to me that they sold out. Discovery and even Human After All were brilliant albums and had a lot to say. This album is just about dancing and having sex. I guess sex really does sell…

I think most of America is under a mind control virus. This would explain why so many people like Kayne West. It might also explain why so many people are praising Random Access Memory, when it was the biggest piece of crap Daft Punk has ever released (including the soundtrak to Tron 2).

Right now pop music is bigger than normal. Look at the grammy nominations. Arcade fire wasn't even nominated (considering they won best album for their worst album a couple years ago).

I've got mixed feelings about Reflektor. That being said - it was a hellofa lot better than most of the albums on this list.

You obviously don't listen to anything other than top 40 crap, because there is no way on earth that Kayne is the most musical artist we have right now. His songs are boring, derivative, and feel like they were mass produced in a sweat shop factory.