
No, no, no. He'll be like second Becky from Rosanne. Better than the first!

Kayne west is an arrogant asshole with no musical talent. Please, stop pretending he's relevant. He has never done anything innovative, and is even less talented or relevant than Vanilla Ice.

My only wish is that they kill off Vinnie in the most vile, ungracious way possible…

I'm sorry, but Humor has been around for thousands, maybe even millions of years. The Comedy album may have been the latest incarnation of the media in general, but it wasn't "saved." No, it actually just changed to meet with what society thought was funny at the time. In 20 years, someone will say whatever new fad

Not quite sure how well this will translate into a live action show. I would love to see kind of an adult animation type - more like anime or something. But a live action show just might not cut it.

They want their lives to be private? Fine. Let's just ignore them from now on. Seriously, Kayne West is a spoiled brat with an over rated career, and Kim hasn't done anything more than live off the money her father made while getting a murderer off. I for one am sick of hearing about either of them. Let them fade into