Fanny Chapcranter

It's pretty rough. I have complete confidence that he will eventually transcend it and emerge stronger. But he's pretty sad and angry right now.

No, he works it out in NY and LA, then takes the finished act on the road. I saw him do about a half hour of it at the Comedy Store on Saturday. It's really good. Tho he's pretty pissed off at his ex wife, so prepare for that.

And Horace and Pete is astonishing in its own right. My God, Louis is fearlessly following a genius muse right now.

I don't believe in Linux…. I don't believe in Ubuntu…

I think I'll go for a walk!

I would like to take this opportunity to brag. Got to see him do To Be Free at Largo in LA. He was wonderful and yes I am a lucky fuck. Thank you.

He will grow up to play the banjo and wear a man bun.

We are truly in a golden age of television when ANY episode of Louie is just another Louie episode. We are astonishingly spoiled.

My husband started composing Finch/Root slash fiction mid-episode.

Food and fun in a festive atmosphere!!

Get offa my lawn!!

It was insanely brilliant, too. Burr's incredible.

Yes, they should definitely have an after-show, hosted by someone other than Hardwick. They could call it "At 12:30".

Both. Pete is 6' 6" I was lucky enough to get a 20-second hug from him after one of his shows, and he is perfect hugging height. My head nestled on his chest, I never wanted to let go. And yes, he times the hug with a stop watch to make sure you get the full 20 seconds. It's one of the sweeter things in life. I

I saw Odenkirk's opener, Brandon Wardell, perform at a different show. He was quite funny and was selling the CDs afterwards. I bought one, but made him sign it as Odenkirk. A little mean? I was trying to be funny. Always a mistake. But he took it well and signed, "The Real Bob Odenkirk From TV." Funny kid.

Yay! I love Pete and I'm so glad this show is continuing.