
Starting a sentence with "and"?! No gold star for you!

No writer said Heroin Hero? Disappointing.

All the fiction writers work at Fox now.

No Aerosmith for Massachusetts?!? Complete garbage!

The problem with this sort of list is that you have to compare it against what was nominated for best picture that year and not just random movies out of spite.

Now do a Top 10 for Password games.

There may be a "no dick" clause in their contract which I don't know why HBO would have, especially for Groff since he has exposed himself before for "art". Seriously, if the finale is seeing some intercourse with D&A, it will be one massive "yawn".

I know my mom still goes home at night after work and watches her Victor on Young&Restless at 7pm on the TV Guide channel. I know one of the stars on that show came out recently too.

Can't wait to go home and pound that sweat piece of Veal.

So there are no bears in SF? Interesting…

Stannis is mostly a bore in the books until A Dance With Dragons. He basically lives through Melisandre.

I'm just sad there was no ultimate betrayal by Princess Kenny/Zelda [yes, Kenny is styled as Princess Zelda in case you missed that gem] and have Kenny get a WiiU and the boys actually enjoy the system.

All the performances sound like karaoke now. They autotune the singers to death so there is no emotion in the songs and then they edit it to make neigh impossible to lip sync. For a show about "music", they can't even get that right anymore.

Sadly enough, Seth's best role was guest starring as the pencil sharpener on Will&Grace.

You can only post stuff on Youtube if you "share" it via your PS4.