Daniel Fleming

If he doesn't come out and either decide to re-ignite this film or announce his next one in the next few weeks, I'd be VERY surprised. I'm not a big fan, but this seems like a great way to drum up press so that he can come to the rescue of all the disappointed people who now can't wait to see what's ACTUALLY next…

I was four in 1992 so I haven't read any of that…to be perfectly honest, the majority of Tarantino press I've seen is how astounding everything he does is…and how people that don't like it are simply "haters"…maybe because of the early critics you cite…

if you don't like his style, you won't like his movies…no one should "dismiss" them without seeing one or two…but it's not THAT hard to understand why many people wouldn't like his films.

Ya, there's simply no possibility that people actually don't like Tarantino movies…they're just so "edgy" and "shocking" and stuff…

That's what i was thinking. Another article quotes him as saying "I've got 10 more where that came from" and all that said to me was "My scripts aren't all that great so who cares, we'll just pick the next one from the file and slap on some "tarantino-ness".