
I'd be inclined to disagree, but Billy Bob never had a better role. Varga's got nothing on Malvo.

I haven't disagreed with an AV review grade much more, this episode was totally boss. A+.

"So What? I'm the only caterer in town!"

I assume he's playing a volleyball.

Another thing: in his show, Larry always gets his comeuppance. He is always exposed as the craven coward, the cheapskate. He's unliked, unloved and resented even by his friends.

Great actor, wasted too often. Glad he grew his mustache back, his stint in Justified was kind of disconcerting for the lack of it.

…And to disguise Nacho's terror sweat as he did what he did.

Not too far from where I live. The most Canadian thing I heard so far: he said he knew there was a tornado near - he's not stupid - and he "was keeping an eye on it".

If his acting is like his comedy, it's probably great in small doses. He should do character work.

This is a great show, although I can't put my finger upon why.

As usual, Dwayne Johnson elevates the material he's given. Obviously this would be a D- movie without him.

Badmotorfinger was his best work, never understood why it took Black Hole Sun to make them famous.

Ditto to The Wrath of Khan. That scene stayed with me for a long time.

Hated his comedy, but never miss his youtube car show.

Sort of how I feel about The Party.

I agree; this episode had all of the elements that make the show what it is.

Thanks, Obama.

Ugh, dangling participles as movie titles.

There is a hotel room in Italy getting fucking trashed right now.

This game was so hard that it was one of the few arcades that I didn't take the time to master: simply because I never had enough money. Super difficult.