
This episode always made me deeply uncomfortable. It is one of the few that I can't watch.

I think she's too smart to want the job.

I'd like to be able to say someday that the best seasons were numbers 5 - 9 and 30-34.

Sure, easy for you to say.

Seriously, I do. Look at how the camera lingers on him. He's quite handsome, intelligent, and empathetic. I have a tendency to be wrong about this stuff, but I don't think he's going to be a stooge for the robot elite.

"You would never lose your temper over something as trivial as the pronunciation of "chowder".

The writers know what they are doing, I think. Its why they spent some time establishing that Felix is fascinated with artificial life, and that he has a tendency to take risks on its behalf. Hence the scenes earlier with the sparrow. The other lab tech is a cowardly, greedy dirtbag, and can be manipulated. So his

I like Felix.

Yeah, that's been missed by a lot of people. Clearly the reason why the replicants are naked is for the people working there to be able to distinguish them from real humans. Although several times in the show it seems like the difference is obvious to the characters, it isn't.

That was pretty great.

When Feliz and Maeve go upstairs all I could think of is who does the janitorial work in this building? Man, talk about clean. Its not the replicants, they are too expensive to waste on that.

"Dad, you can't do this, Stampy is my friend!"
"Don't worry, Son, I'll get you a new elephant."
"I'll take that one too."

I used to be a janitor at a store that sold these. How do you know if balut are fresh, are good to eat? You take one out of the package and throw it on the floor. I mopped up thousands of these.

Really? I thought the writer was pretty generous. So much so that I don't understand the D+ grade, the film he's writing about sound more like C+ fare.

As long as we are quoting the Simpsons, let me caution you against feeling sorry for the guy. Imma just gonna leave this here.

Probably the two most unfunny people in history. She had better writers, though.

The Collected Works of Adam Sandler

All these "heroes" volunteering to kill a baby. Very heroic, indeed.

I was looking forward to the Miranda episode because I assumed that he might actually be comfortable in front of a live audience. But he had nothing to work with.

"Best case scenario? YOU GET MOLESTED!"