
He's naturally funny, and even if you don't like his style, he does have a style of his own. I had to agree with the review, his bits in which he talks about his own natural cowardice are inspired, sometimes.

He's consistently funny, I think he's on the cusp of becoming known to the general non-comedy nerd public.

Welcome to Planet Motherfucker

"Didja ever see someone say goodbye to a shoe?"

Definitely lazy. You need to put some effort into something like that.

I just finished the book. As a big follower of his work I was initially disappointed - by the third chapter - upon realizing that I would effectively be learning nothing at all about his life. I think it was when he started to refer to his raging morphine addiction that I clued in.

Theyre different in many ways… but they're both dicks.

Beard length two inches - hipster, lumberjack, college professor
Beard length three inches - crazy person

Actually, there’s decent odds that even if you do live in Canada, you’re unaware of this option.

I was fairly certain for about two seconds that the fortress symbolized Louise's impending death.

I assume that you are referring to surgery or hormone treatments. It's not actually that life-altering to simply identify as one gender or another.

Good lord that's a terrible song. Twaangley jangely thumpety thump platitudes and cliches.

Freakshow psychoholic motherfucker Yeaaahhhhhh!

No one said Walton Goggins? That's odd.

A friend of mine showed me this video from a Harvard lab on the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Reminds me of someone.

My first thought on seeing that photo was that Admiral Akbar had been arrested.

It was a massive disappointment to me that the AV Club dropped it, particularly since they seemed to have all kinds of time to write about huge turds like Dexter and Entourage.

The first season is almost unwatchable, but hey, so is the Simpson's first season.

Which is a shame, its a great show.

hell bent for "feathers".