
"I used to do a lot of drugs… I still do, but I used to do them, too."

1990 was a year in which people actually took Michael Bolton and Kenny G seriously as musical artists

I'm imagining that his character will probably refer to various broad stereotypes as "that guy" once every five minutes, and relentlessly refer to people as "dude": while shoehorning his music interests into each conversation.

The show fell victim to what could only be called "Poochy" syndrome.

I watched every single one of them, and although I didn't admire it at the end, I still miss it.

Ha! Yes, it was a modern-day Citizen Kane, but too bad about the "plotting"*.

I imagined, watching him closely, that he was letting himself feel anger and angst. Or maybe that's just what he wanted us to think: his is a great performer.

I think it was genuine.

I think that one of the reasons why Wilmore doesn't connect with some people is that his humour is quite understated: his delivery is calm and the point that he is trying to make is quite often evident only at the end of the joke… or even a few moments later.

And no commercials, no silly commentary between songs, no weepy montages!

You're not too far off. Perhaps not coincidentally, Monster is my favourite REM album.

Most Canadian thread since that one about Sloan a few weeks ago.

It's "peek". That's right: and put your eyebrows down.

What Dreams May Come is pretty weird and very underrated. Williams and Gooding are both subdued, both good actors in that one.

(record scratch)

Somehow that trailer seems even more dated than the premise of the movie.

I'm enjoying this show so far, for the same reason that many people have pointed out: the excellent cast.

Good for them, they each deserve better.

I just googled Denver Airport Nightmare Horse. Terrifying and bizarre.

Sure, I agree with you, and hopefully I am incorrect. My post was just my musing that I thought she looked unwell, and that I keep waiting for there to be an explanation for why her character looks that way… in the show.