
H. John Benjamin.

Eugene Mirman.

I sure hope someone got fired for that.

Who is clamoring for films like Alice Through the Looking Glass? The same people who want to see yet another retelling of Peter Pan? Good lord.

I think Tim and Eric would characterize this as "a bit much". I liked it though.

Mine tries to look out the window while walking along the back of the couch. Not graceful.

Blue Jasmine, where he did a good job in a nice little role. I think CK is used to being questioned on that decision, and "…for the filmmaking" is a stock response.

Oh yeah that's right. It seemed like she hadn't even watched Jeopardy before.

What I've noticed the last couple of days is how awkward Trebek is with these particular contestants. Last night when CK told him the name of his charity Alex seemed kinda embarrassed 'cause the charity involved lady parts.

Oh, those meddling network executives, they're just the worst.

Listening to it, not what I expected. Kinda nice though.

I really would love it if Andy would replace Trebek someday.

I've never understood why newsreaders are expected to be smart. But I'd expect him to at least be worldly. The guy is pretty well-traveled.

This was much harder to watch than Celebrity Jeopardy. On CJ you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that someone is smarter than you assumed. Even if they are not much smarter. I was moderately depressed by this episode.

It's definitely something I am not proud of: I blame it on being 15 at the time. I had read the entire works of Piers Anthony - which are enjoyable, pulp fantasy, but not exactly Shakespeare - and I just wasn't ready for LOTR. I should try them again.

I read The Hobbit over and over again, but never got past the second book of LOTR.

For a moment I was pretty sure you were referring to a passion project
I hadn't heard of, Seinfeld & Friends.

The only thing in Miller's Dark Knight that I have a problem with is the way its been strip-mined by other writers. That, and the slightly embarrassing 80's dialect of the gang members.


Huh. I wouldn't have thought "Keith" was a popular name 82 years ago.