
Madison Avenue, you've done it again!

I agree, and I will say it again: that swordfight was so boss.

Upvoted for saying it's your favorite… but you still aren't a huge fan.

That swordfight was my favourite, in a series that has a lot of swordfights, Dayne was fantastic: too bad he had such a brief moment. I didn't think double broadswords could look so cool or be wielded so plausibly.

GWAR doing Mr. Jones would be interesting.

Labeling people millennials, gen xers, baby boomers etc is only slightly more reputable a system for predicting the characteristics of a person than astrology is.

Yes, truly the romance is gone.

About fifteen minutes in I always get suddenly bored.

"The Sinister Carpark" is one of my favourite Hardy Boys books.

You had me at "fake beard", but yeah.

Too soon!


Baby you know I'm gonna take care of you

That's a great pinball game, btw.

(woman screams, tires squeal)

I think everyone should read So You've Been Publicly Shamed. People like the one who approached Schumer on the street are awful, but the effect of public shamings can be pretty extreme.

If it didn't appear that he was about to die of a gravy overdose I'd suggest that George RR Martin just be made the editor of the WoT series. He'd happily kill whoever needed to die.

Woolheaded. They were woolheads.

Upvoted in sympathy.
