
Rand was always the least interesting character of the series, which isn't uncommon for the Chosen One of any fantasy novel. I preferred Matt and Perrin, of course, they had interesting flaws and motivations.

I was a big fan of the series (I'm considering plowing through them again to see if I still am) but even while I was reading them as they came out I'd be like "God, Jordan, you're starting a new plotline now?" It's book fucking seven! We don't need to learn about a new ethnic group or cult or demon or whatever the

I really enjoyed the series: I re-read every one of them whenever a new one came out. I have thus read the first one 12 times at least… I had to, in order to know what the hell was going on. You cannot read one of these books and then set the series aside for 2 years.


He mentions his daughter quite a bit, in his routines and elsewhere. I knew nothing of his wife and her career, though, until just now.

The bar has been set pretty low for Simpsons flashbacks (remember when Homer invented grunge music?), so this one wasn't terrible… it wasn't a complete desecration of the original story arc, that is.

The Batman soundtrack. Very difficult to not like it, and lord I tried.

And its sequel, 2eitgeist.

Ah yes, but you have to realize that the Sarah Connor from the first film was from a timeline where she hadn't experienced any of the apocalypse stuff yet (and she was still pretty tough).

She would have been better as a younger-than-1984 Sarah Connor.

Her role in Mulholland Drive pretty much gets her a free pass from me for anything she will ever do in the future.

Sorry I'm late, everyone. Somebody tampered with my brakes.

Odd that this essay wouldn't mention Sideshow Bob's political aspirations.

Great episode. I particularly like the realism - which in this show are simply anti-tropisms - like that fact that Jimmy continues to deny his involvement long after most sitcom characters would have said "alright! you got me."

Needs a record scratch sound effect.

(Contributing factor: A complete lack of suspense.)

A friend of mine commented on a new game I was playing and said "Nice graphics!". He then paused, and looked at me, embarrassed and asked "… do people still say 'graphics?'".

Or the Joker: the two of them were always pulling boners.

That Miami three-parter was riveting when it came out. I always hoped it would become a film, but this wasn't it.

Such a great writer. Bugs Potter was my personal favourite.