
If you haven't seen The Guest, well, you should. Dan Stevens made the right choice, I think.

Among all the characters, she definitely had a distinct arc. From tolerable to excruciatingly irritating.

My favourite late series character addition - hands down - is Spratt. I will watch his spinoff series, Septimus Spratt: Fashionista.

The only unhappy ending was for Andy, who is "lucky" enough to land that batshit crazy idiot Daisy, apparently.

The worst thing about CDs for me is that they are a permanent reminder of the terrible music I have purchased. I cannot bring myself to throw one out.

I always thought it was odd that the family never discussed the monarchy. Seems like it would be something you'd do if you were nobility.

Probably not, but for this episode I thought she did a better job of portraying one.

I can honestly say that never occurred to me. I will look again.

Stewart's standard response to questions of why he changed his last name is that "Liebowitz" was "too Hollywood".

After months of tiresome bullshit involving hospital board intrigue and whether or not Daisie will pass her exams (she shouldn't have, she is a moron), we finally get a real episode.

Fat Capitalist Tom is angry: angrier than when he was Skinny Communist Tom.

I highly recommend La Guerre Des Tuques. any child who lives anywhere that it snows would love it.

Not Dr. Cheetah!

Its a good show and I'm not going to stop watching now, but the way the writers lay the foreshadowing on with a trowel is so tiresome. They must have done a survey of the viewership and concluded that we all have very low IQs.

Yeah, and what a surprise: when dealing with a threat, he prefers appeasement to standing his ground!

The Mr. Mason subplot is pretty tiresome, and the way that they keep trying to shoehorn it in just irritating.

C-? This has to be the best rated Wayans film in decades.

When Obama went on live television to announce that they had gotten Osama Bin Laden, a strange urge I could not control came over me: I needed to listen to the song "America! Fuck Yeah!" from Team America World Police, and I needed to listen to it immediately.

Wow, a "Barbarian Brothers" shout-out. Neat.

Yeah, Klepper is good, although speaking personally it might be because his screen persona reminds me so much of Carell and Corddry's tenures with the show.