
You are correct, but it really just serves to highlight the different circumstances that Stewart and Noah started with.

Noah could use a little assistance, too. Whenever it seemed to Stewart like the audience was getting tired of "Bush laugh" (a…heheheheh) he could throw it to someone capable of carrying the show by themselves.

Ha. I never noticed that even in the midst of her fit about how much of a doublecrosser Cora was, she still had to call her "Her Ladyship".

Funny that no one in this show seems to care much for the Drewe family. It was quite convenient for Edith, George, Daisy, and Mr. Mason to see them leave - all for the mistake of loving a child that they adopted and then had taken from them.

Jason from Home Movies showing up was immediately distracting for me.

Best scene of the season so far. It'd be nice if other scenes from the show echoed that one.

Stamp collections, hospital board meetings… trying on coats. Truly this episode has it all.

I didn't find much to complain about with this episode, and I love ripping on SNL. I thought Driver did a pretty good job.

Honest question: what has he been doing for the last twenty years? I imagine him and George Lucas just hanging.

I figured that at the very least they'd have cast Norm Macdonald.

He has a great career ahead of him in remastering wide shots from his Dad's movies.

It sounds like a great show. They'll take it to another network, someone will buy it.

I thought the B story had more comedic potential than the A story. As has been pointed out before, a Lisa plot has to be really well written to be effective, since her character is actually more one-dimensional than even Homer is.

Naturally, the denouement of the Mr. Green "mystery" was boring and pointless, like the mystery itself.

There are people who have never been to America who believe it, too.

Can I borrow a feeling?

I like "The Knick".

It is rare that I enjoy either Farrell or Fiennes in a film, I was pleasantly surprised when I finally saw it.

It would explain what the writers have been doing all this time.

I`m not sure what was more pointless, Bart`s sudden affection for his grandfather, or the fact that he enters the extreme sports world… as a BMX rider, instead of as a skateboarder: which would have made about a million times more sense.