
They missed some opportunities on SNL with him, not the least of which was he's a dead ringer for a young Mike Myers.

"…earnest go to camp…"

Since Randy is my favourite character I have to say I mostly enjoyed this one. The part where he has to take the sandwich out of the starving child's mouth genuinely cracked me up.

Huh, I didn't know that. Someone should have talked her out of it.

He'd be more successful on that show, too. He breaks too much, and appears to have trouble with the prompter or something: he can;t say his lines.

Ugh, he and Che are the worst. Such a shame that they dropped Cecily Strong from Update, she might have been wobbly at times but she was much, much better than these two stiffs.

Other shows used to do well when they imitated the Simpsons, now the Simpsons is best when it imitates other, better shows. In this case the show had a real Bob's Burgers vibe, and I really enjoyed it. The fact that both episodes tonight centred on scaring the daughter is obvious, I know.

I'm not going to lie to you. A lot of people saw that.

"You know how I feel about stalking!"

I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.

*looks over reading glasses

"…awful even by Cartman's standards"

Totally badass: the only thing missing was a kick to the groin.

Totally remember his "role" as "Mob Lawyer". He just smiles at the judge and the judge rolls his eyes. Great scene.

I grew up in a shithole one-horse town before the internet. I bought everything based upon the cover.

Yeah, Miller was right: Batman is willing to cheat. That's how he'd win.

Probably for the same reasons why other people loved it:

I should probably rewatch this. I really hated this movie but people I respect seem to like it.

Valid point. Not sure why it took Meryl Streep to point it out, though.

Well, duh.