
It's weird to me that you guys are real people.

"Malaise Forever"

This will always be my favourite scene from any C&C movie. I still kind of want a motorcycle in my living room.

Best episode in a long time. And the first time in ages that I can recall laughing out loud, although those laughs were for the clips of Dr. Dolittle.

Be interesting to know what demographic is up past 11pm. I'm pretty sure it's mostly men. I am guessing that network executives have made the assumption that male audiences want male hosts.

I watched it in the theatre when it came out, I didn't think it was too bad.

I remember those comics, they creeped me out.

Yeah, I just figured that out too.

Actually I think it was the least inspired of the soundtrack.

There was a Guns and Roses album that I especially cherished. It had the song "Your Crazy" (sic) on it. I thought it was a bootleg but now I wonder if it was just marketed to look like one.

You would have just chewed the scenery anyway…

Sounds like the film has a good message.

"Psychoholic Yeeeaaahhhhh!" (Squealing tires, woman screaming)

"You can't win, Vader. If you strike me down, I shall be more powerful than you can possibly imagine".

I found a Crimson Guardsman in a closet last year that apparently was supposed to be a Christmas present that was hidden by my mother but never given. It was like finding the Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

so, dildos, I guess.

Quit bragging and tell us what the downside to rat ownership is…

Did he just do a backflip off of that pogo stick?

There really isn't anything Colbert cannot do. Even if his first week were awful I'd have faith in him. This show will keep getting better.

I hope someone got fired for that blunder.