
The observation that (unlike most Americans in the 1970s) Bobby Fischer was in frequent contact with real, live Russians; that the competition was a fierce one; and that the US government really wanted to have a Cold War victory - even in chess - is a neat way of looking at Fischer's paranoia. I think a

Funnier are the times that Vancouver is clearly just Vancouver. If you watch Jackie Chan's Rumble in the Bronx you can see mountains in the background.

Artie's Anal Pencil Sharpener? Count me out.

That guy kinda sounds like Roger Ebert.

I'd expect that from you, Pogeybait.

Wow, that's fucked up.

Interesting how relevant his voiceover still is. I watched the whole damn thing, enjoyed it.

Piece of my childhood is gone.

Ya got me, I was waiting for someone to point that out. Kudos to your extensive QL knowledge.

Funny, as a kid watching TNG I always assumed that Tasha Yar was either gay or bi. Didn't really matter much to me, it was just an impression I had.

Wow, Lexx,. I haven't thought about that show in years. Is it available anywhere?

If you don't believe in blaming the victim, then you won't blame Chrissie Hynde for her opinions. She was a victim, and it is clear that she is still dealing with the trauma of what happened to her. The fact that she is still - 40 years later - not dealing with it well is extremely sad.

Sean: I didn't say that! How could you tell people I'm a child-rapist apologist!
Alex: Ha ha!

Can you back that up?

Nobody comes off all that well in this interview. And of course Polanski's victim was a child.

I'm in favour of not giving Seth McFarlane our attention or our money, but this is ridiculous. Such a great show. I haven't seen a single episode since it left Fox due to my unfortunate geography.

I think Bill Maher is the Rob Liefeld of atheism. Seth McFarlane is the Rob Liefeld of smugness.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank 90's industrial music for my devotion to Satan. They said it wouldn't last, but they were wrong.

Ugh. Poor Mulaney, he's actually really, really funny. I urge you to check out his special, it is really good.

Great headline, btw