As directed by David Lynch I think this ending could have been fucking awesome.
As directed by David Lynch I think this ending could have been fucking awesome.
Thanks AV Club, for some reason this book has escaped me so far. I'm going to buy it immediately.
This happened a lot in the early 2000's. It was a moment in history when it became apparent how reliant screenwriters were upon hilarious airport security jokes. And hijackings. And planes hitting buildings. And opening shots of the World Trade Center to establish that a film was set in New York. Everything was…
Those director's chairs they are sitting on usually have the names of the actors, not the characters they play, on them.
Greeting people as "my rumpy doppelganger" is increasingly awkward.
Watched the whole thing and never realized that was Lake Bell.
I love Norm so much. Glad he's working.
Favourite thing about Groucho was when asked his occupation on a form while crossing borders he would write "smuggler".
Re: the Little Bully. I liked how effortlessly he uses profanity, and what a vicious little bastard he is.
I watched the whole season expecting a callback to when all the camp counselors briefly become heroin addicts on Skid Row. By briefly, of course, I mean for about 5 minutes of screen time.
Yeah I skipped right to that one. Expected the reason to be funnier.
The Futurama ones are great, but Phil Hartman wins it for the SImpsons.
He's back, actually. In pog form!
It's pretty hard to interest me in Fry and Leela's lovelife, generally those episodes hold my attention as well as "Home and Marge's Marriage is in Trouble" plotlines from that other show. But The Devil's Hands is a pretty great episode.
"Wet Colin Firth" shall be the name of my new punk band.
He also had, in my opinion, hands down the best role on that show. Even watching him joke around on Conan O'Brien is a little unnerving for me.
This is a great show. I'm hoping for the return of Stella next.
Having never seen the SVU show that he was on, I still mostly identify Meloni with the vicious prison rapist/murderer he played on OZ. Which I am binge-watching alongside this show.
"terrible trash rabbitperson"
One of the best Simpsons episodes of any era. Jerkass Homer doesn't have to be a bad thing, he just has to be written properly.