You monster!!!
You monster!!!
Well, I do have the normal amount of moral outrage, of course. He belongs in jail.
Polanski and Allen… yeah they're gross too, but I can still mostly enjoy their work. I feel much the same as you: it is a little easier to watch their art because they have people who are not rapists as stand-ins.
There's no way for me to enjoy his work. They still play his bits on the Sirius comedy channels, and when they do, I have to change the channel. Not out of any sense of moral outrage: I just don't want to listen.
I have to say - unironically - this is possibly Lisa Kudrow's best role. Great show.
"Friends with mutants! Yeah, right!"
"Maybe a little friendly punching will move your ass!"
Excellent. When you get to the part about "discipline", it was tough not to think of Seth MacFarlane. In a negative way, of course.
Although Maria Bamford was great, it would have been even better if BoJack's mom was voiced by January Jones.
This show was a pleasant surprise, it looked pretty bad, but I liked the first season and am halfway through the second.
I watched this in the theatre when it came out. It was disconcerting because you have no indication of where you "are" in the plot; everything just sort of happens.
Gonna leave this here.
Ok that's just brilliant casting. I'm in.
"I have bad news folks, we've been bought out"
("I bet it was the Japanese.")
"Actually Japan is a country, not a corporation, so they could not buy us."
("I bet I was the Americans")
The Americans ARE a corporation, and they have indeed bought us. And they think AT&Love is a stupid name, so they're shutting us down."
Quit fucking with us AV club: which child stars grew up to be hotties?
This season needs to make a choice: be kinda bonkers or go batshit crazy. I know it's already been filmed and its in the can, but might as well go batshit.
If there was a commercially available Ms. Marvel costume, it would just be a "sexy" one anyway. Fuck the costume industry, just make your own.
Isadora Duncan.
Especially the desegregation!
Stay strong. I will send you a care package of 96 hours of Dexter. I wish I was recovering from a hernia when I watched it. Unfortunately I have no such excuse.