
I read recently that a real problem in the comedy world is that it is increasingly difficult to make a joke about racism that will not be regarded as racist itself. So if you simply want to talk about racism in your act, you have to be extremely skilled in your craft. Many are not.

*shakes fist

I want to hate this guy… but I just can't. He just loves this music so much.

The biggest problem I have with Stannis killing his daughter is that in the show they have never managed to make him seem particularly murderous. He even seemed to be reluctant, and later, regretful over the assassination of his brother.

Even as a kid I figured that four guys with a nuclear reactor in an old firehouse could be potentially dangerous. The EPA's concerns seemed valid.

"It blows, all right. It blows big time."

"Posse of moochers". Ha!

I had to laugh. First of all, if I was the shrouded figure, I would be long fucking gone when the first white walker showed up, not patiently waiting in the boat for my buddies. Sorry guys, I'm out.

Love that pose by the Walker king, or who/whatever he is.

Yeah, that was kind of funny. Reminds me of Marge giving Bart that speech about town pride, then Bart goes off and wages war on Shelbyville.

In a weird way Sandler has been the comedian that keeps doing dirty ethnic/race jokes long after they went out of fashion.

The Sansa-being-showed-the-corpse scene didn't work for me either, since it had been done better, earlier. The first psychopath she was married to showed her father's severed head to her and she managed to look bored.

I was kind of hoping that was a chamberpot that Margery threw at Cersei, and that Cersei would leave splatted with poo.

Man, I love Pogo's stuff. Check out his whole catalogue, especially Alice. I would pay money for it, which in 2015 should tell you how great I think it is.

The issue is a bit like professional sports pay disputes, in that it is a bunch of millionaires trying to wring more money out of a few billionaires. I find it difficult to feel sorry for anyone involved.

What a douchebag. I'm not even going to get into how overdue it is for this show to be over, I just can't get past how selfish and hypocritical he is to negotiate for raises with the rest of the cast and then leave them in the lurch when it doesn't personally benefit him.

I just love Mulholland Drive so much. He really deserved to be there.

I sell shoes… Thank you SATAN!

It's pretty bad. Luckily with Scrotal Recall there is a worse one. Bleah.

Well, that's just a fantastic game. Original PS1, or the new one?