His role in FARGO alone pretty much sewed the title up for him. He's also a loser on TV, btw.
His role in FARGO alone pretty much sewed the title up for him. He's also a loser on TV, btw.
I really like the idea of one of those old shareware games getting some recognition. I know that games like Nukem and Wolfenstein eventually became profitable franchises and/or film vehicles in their own right, but there is something abou that era of free gaming - before the internet! - that I feel warmth for.
FF7 was what I was thinking of when I commented. Certainly was ground-breaking, and despite its flaws it remains my favourite game from the nineties.
Pretty uncontroversial list. No Wolfenstein or Final Fantasy entries, though?
I make all my decisions out of spite, please be more specific.
This is going to be a real problem, my love for the Coens juxtaposed with my hatred for musicals. Tough call.
Definitely a scene that wouldn't have been out of place in an episode 20 years ago.
Eight survived.
It's more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported.
Love Silicon Valley, concerned that it might at some point devolve into full blown Entourage.
Hulk 181 forever
(condescending) I'm familiar with the works of Pablo Neruda.
She seems to have regressed: read some old interviews with her… when she was a teenager she seemed more intelligent. I hope she grows out of this phase.
What an awesome character actor he was.
Jay Leno.
Leary is one of those rare people who I really enjoyed until I saw some of his stand up. He was difficult to enjoy after that.
I was just going to cite Touch of Evil, you beat me to it.
The thing that bothered me the most about that movie was that people never declined to answer. I get that you cannot lie - simple enough premise - but why are you compelled to give a response?
Loved "Bully". If all of Clark's film's were like Bully, he'd be much better regarded as a filmmaker.
I suppose what I should have said was that I would prefer to read your assessment of his work in a longer, separate article.