
Sounds a lot better than it looks in trailers. Looks horrible in trailers.

Kind of unnecessary to comment on Clark's entire oeuvre, just review the film. Although Clark is undeniably a perv, so is most of Hollywood.

The reality show form isn't inherently trashy, it's just made that way. In addition to the confessional, if you remove the narration and the bumpers you'd have a much better show, regardless of the content.

Whoa: Brian Bosworth?

Oh, every week there's a canal.

I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but Shultz whored his characters out to an insurance company, for God's sake.

It is true that neither are hip, but Justin Bieber and Space Jam just seem to belong together.

Agree. The character is trying to pass for white. The only other option would be to cast a Native American actor wearing whiteface. Any storyline that involves someone trying to "pass" as another race is bound to piss someone off, but come on.

Nothing more punk rock than writing a polite letter.

The context threatens to ruin the comedy, but for me, the writing saves it. The funnier episodes are the ones which embrace the darkness.

Wow, a David Eddings reference.

This is such a great show that I hardly notice that major plotlines such as Titus attempting to pass for straight have no point to them and go nowhere.

I had to pause the credits to be sure that the "boy" wasn't John Mulaney.

Surely this is just due to society's narrow view of what constitutes female beauty.

Get a room, funboys.

Oh yes, forgot about that. Thanks.

Good episode, not great.

If you are reviewing an animated show, the appearance of Dana Snyder is pretty significant, probably deserved a mention. Given how prolific each of them are, I wonder if this is the first time he and Jon Benjamin have worked together.

That annoyed me too.

WAIT! We forgot to check to see if the coast was clear!