Good interview; I just watched BILLION DOLLAR MOVIE: unlike most people, I enjoyed it… in fact I thought it was too short. I've seen a couple of the movie review podcasts, and I'm looking forward to looking for Decker right after this post.
Good interview; I just watched BILLION DOLLAR MOVIE: unlike most people, I enjoyed it… in fact I thought it was too short. I've seen a couple of the movie review podcasts, and I'm looking forward to looking for Decker right after this post.
I'm a big fan, but this was the weakest of his four specials.
Boyz in the Hood hasn't aged well? I would dispute that.
No inflatable raft available, apparently.
There actually was a callback to the Grimes episode which was appropriately dark and hilarious. Homer puts on a suit he hadn't worn in a while and finds Frank Grimes' "In Memoriam" funeral pamphlet, and wonders out loud "Oh yeah, Frank Grimes! I wonder what ever happened to that guy."
That was a tough one for a lot of people because of how dark it was, and represents a turning point for a lot of viewers. I liked it, though.
Someone will have mentioned it by now - too lazy to check - but the Shield episode where Shane kills his family and then himself is the best example of this for me.
Nice screen capture, interesting that they had LED Christmas lights in 1924.
That Six Feet Under episode was what I immediately thought of when I saw the title of the article. What a harrowing experience, just watching it you know what torture actually is.
I totally remember transcribing code for my Apple from one of those magazines.
Livingston? Krasinski? He is clearly a Bill Gates doppelganger. I assume he was trying to be funny.
Sex Cauldron? I thought they closed that place down!
Holy fuck, I never thought he would die.
Beasties did it furst.
Existenz had far too much Cronenberg.
Great episode in so many ways. And yes, dear reviewer, the fact that after someone dragged out the hoary old cliche: "Permission to speak freely?", that the answer was "definitely not".
Hello, Aquaman!
Although for this movie it sounds like the reviewer has greater problems with the source material than the director, I have to say that I've noticed that reviews of his recent films all fall into one of two camps: they have either too much "Cronenberg", or not enough.
♫ ♪ Just be a lady, baby ♪ ♫
That false scandal with the photographs would have normally eaten up six or seven episodes until it was resolved; if only every other plot point were handled as efficiently as it was in this episode.