I was pretty sure that was Anthony Hopkins reprising his Van Helsing.
I was pretty sure that was Anthony Hopkins reprising his Van Helsing.
Ms. Buntin 'as opned my eyes to a whole new world, Milord!
Yeah they found a Russian princess refugee in Hong Kong in about two days. But they can't find good old whatisname. Since this show has a Forrest Gump sensibility regarding the characters being a part world events, I am sure he's Hitler's butler or something.
It'd be far more interesting if he was a heroin addict, as I assumed he must be.
Yeah. Maybe I do not understand this period in England, but I don't get why anyone who is opposed to the aristocracy is painted as a bomb-throwing anarchist. Don't people just politely disagree, or perhaps express a desire for social change? Instead it's all: My, Tom, you DO have some revolutionary ideas, and your…
Does Tom even like Bunting? Everyone's all like Oh you simply MUST invite her, don't worry about George! I'm waiting for him to make it clear that he has no attraction to her. This subplot would be much better if it was like Mary's: that is, he bangs her early in their friendship, and then tries to dump her but…
Ebert wrote extensively of the Idiot Plot, in which it is a requirement of all the participants to be idiots in order for the plot to make sense. That is the road this show is going down pretty soon, I am afraid.
I always expected him to take the Rob Zombie route and reinvent himself as a filmmaker. I'd watch his stuff.
Sounds terrible. But instead of the handwringing for Gellar always being associated with Buffy, where is the angst for Erika Christensen's continued association with Swimfan?
I kept thinking, there's a fireplace right there… why do people from this era have such trouble disposing of things?
The review surprised me with its criticism of Kenan's impression of Dr. King. Are we supposed to agree that it was bad?
I realize we are grading on a curve, but that was the best episode of SNL in a couple years. I don't even really like Kevin Hart, but he showed more commitment to the material than the cast usually does. And Sia is great: I almost turned it off when those kids started dancing - I hoped that one would be revealed to…
Since there was no reference to them in the dialogue you have to wonder if the animators just threw them in there after the fact.
I laughed out loud at that. There was a half second where I didn't know what I was seeing.
I have no love for Kevin James, but Farley didn't just fall down a lot, he was the MASTER of falling down. It makes me sad that we cannot still watch him fall down, perhaps in a failed cartwheel or by misjudging his proximity to a coffee table. He was - if only in terms of falling down - the Buster Keaton of falling…
Ghostbusters is a good example.
Yikes. I defend that movie a lot because I love Norm MacDonald, but yeah its pretty bad. It had a similar problem with the love interest, who clearly despised him. I think Iiked Screwed better.
I always imagine them typing up invoices that read "Got son out of basement by tricking him into falling in love with me……..$5000".
He was very briefly on the Daily Show (think he got hired by The Book of Mormon soon after), I thought he was pretty funny.
Hey everybody, get a load of this guy who doesn't want to get raped.