M. L.

That really annoyed me about the teaser trailer, especially given that they show graphics at the beginning of the teaser that actually resemble storks more than seagulls.

Quality is going to suffer if it is a parody of a movie barely anybody remembers because it was a quickly forgotten flash in the pan.

Popper isn't the ruler of the philosophy of science.

For the Romans, regardless of religious beliefs now, this would be the equivalent of spending time, money, and effort to investigate whether the claims of some nutjobs that water fluoridation was a Communist plot.

I don't see Morty as similar to Scully for the very obvious reason that Rick has severely screwed things up before. Anatomy Park. Meseeks and Destroy. The entire house party that got people killed, including Abradolf Lincler. A Rickle in Time where the only reason they got saved was a guy coming to arrest them for