Mr. Sweet N Awful

I felt like that line was more of a dig at the boring and conservative world of men's clothing than a "Ladies always be complainin" jab. That might just be me, because I've always been jealous of the absolute menagerie of women's clothing, whereas men only get like four variations on the shirt-and-pants combo. Talk

I was expecting the punchline to be DJ Jazzy Jeff.

CK made me want to see him co-host with Rock next year.


ALMOST! Market your powers, Weyer!

dat leg

I have but one upvote to give.

Ah, the Denzel Derivative.

*tugs at collar*

When he was announced I had him confused with Sondheim fav Hugh Wheeler and was surprised to find out the book writer for Sweeney Todd was black.


really though, why was his performance the longest? was it? has the alcohol ruined my sense of elapsed time?

Ha, I thought he was as drunk as I!

When I saw him and his "yes" fist I immediately thought about him last year, putting his acceptance speech back in his suit. So sad.

In my defense I wasn't expecting two and a half glasses of wine (plus a cider) to get me this far, I'm trying to sober up a little as we speak.

Sorry I posted this the second I heard his name announced

OMG there was another black guy! #DIVERSITY

Joe Biden

Interesting idea, interesting execution, but it did not translate.