Mr. Sweet N Awful

That was the hardest laugh for me on this episode

Many different herrings

There's the dad and his daughter on the carousel, a business lady in the restaurant, and I vaguely recall seeing another black guy in the restaurant in one shot late in the video.


Will someone please just confirm that the man at 2:45 in the video is Scott Baio!? Facebook is of no help and I'm losing my mind here.

You do know it's possible to feel bad for both parties, right?

SNL and the Jim Henson Company have a long running relationship, going back to the first season.

I've always loved Jacob, but the surefire sign that a WU correspondent has ran its course is when the bring out a doppelganger for them to play off of.

But the tiny fraction that did recognize the connection are probably industry people in and close to his social circle. And this guy, who clearly had body dysmorphia and spent years trying to make himself feel beautiful, is now referenced in this year's hot new thing as throwaway joke about how monstrously ugly he is,

It's shit like this that is why I'm not seeing Dave when he comes to my town. I'm not paying $60 knowing the odds of some asshole ruining it for everyone. And I'm from Tampa, the assholes here could get him to walk off stage in five minutes flat.

I came to the comments just for this

Finally the universe listened to my cries for a big screen Killer Croc! Except it's not for a solo Batman movie.
Hugo Strange is next!

Ingrid Michaelson, "The Chain (Live at Webster Hall)" is my ultimate choice for this category. Not only is it better than the studio version(s), the studio versions have 0% of the emotional electricity of the live take, which, on top of everything, was the FIRST time she and her band had performed the song live.

Asylum was the only time the show was any good but I felt like they did a huge disservice to a very promising character played by a stellar cult character actress. I'm surprised Sevigny wasn't so offended by Shelly's pathetic, neutered storyline as to stay away from AHS forever.

I DARE anyone to claim anything but the KFC Double Down Dog piece for Article of the Year!

I wish every Islamaphobe in America could hear some of these songs. Flag Shopping, in particular, is heartbreaking.

Yeah, future pop is at least a better sounding genre than "witch house"

She still muses on romance, sex and anatomy in an odd, clinical manner but it's noticeably toned down. Not too much is lost though, the picture painted in "seacastle" is just as yearning and obsessive as her earlier pleas to crack her sternum open and live inside her ribs.

Solid B. I agree with most of the review, except for me the two stand outs after "heartsigh" would be "push pull" and "stranger than earth".

Same feelings here. I felt my spirits sink immediately upon reading the words "modern retelling." Don't we have enough crime procedurals with episodes about online killers?