
That movie was so funny, I don't get why it isn't more popular.

I struggled with the age/looks part of it, too. I kept thinking she was wrong and Thaddeus was just someone else, not Ennis.

He makes skull-shaped vodka bottles…I met him on the promotional tour for that and had him sign my DVD of Ghostbusters.

I love that, too. Hail, Caesar! Is truly hilarious.

Same for me, but with "Broken Arrow."

He did somehow manange to disappear into the role better than he has in anything else I've seen him in…you don't constantly remember "I'm watching John Travolta."

Good memory!

I was trying to recall how Ed found out he was known as that….anyone? I can't recall the scene or conversation.

"Terrific stuff by the cat!"

It was so different the first season from how it is now. The whole feel of the show.

Also Gloria "MY VOICE." True!

Two genuinely laugh-out-loud moments: Rainier calling Cam "Manny," and when Phil looked over and the basketball players had their fancy picnic set out! Caught me off guard! Funny episode.

A shout-out in the AV Club article? Me think that pretty cool.

Sooo hot. In the first episode, he wears jeans…

Ditto everything you said!

I loved when he whispered "what did they say?" He is so funny!

I think it's a little more "fresh" the way it's the trophy wife saying them TO the rich geezer, we've already established she really does love him. It's funnier to me here with that take on it.

What an amazing thing you are doing for those kids. Bravo.

Sue for Hilary 100%! And Brick too, if he were able to vote. Maybe he would have convinced Axl to use his.

Eddie from Friends? That guy? What did he say about The Goldbergs/Adam F?