
Every time I watch it I feel sick! Why didn't she just leave, like in her fantasy? I would love to see some alternate universe just to purge my mind about this…

Especially in S5, she looked fantastic.

I hated this episode the first time I saw it. This time around, I liked it a lot. I guess I've been paying more attention (and these recaps and comments don't hurt!) so I "got" a lot more of it. I did have some trouble distinguishing which parts were real after he started dreaming, though. Maybe I need to read a

They're both bad. After reading the comments on episodes leading up to this, I was afraid I would miss it. You couldn't…it looked like it belonged on the WB.

Your first paragraph about how people find clues that support how they think/wanted it to end. I think you are correct and Chase deliberately made it ambiguous.

He HAD to buy the suit, it matched the shoes.

Good observation.

Also, they had to make Barbara 2.0 say "big brother" and other such hokey TV script comments that no one ever says in real life so we would know who she was supposed to be.

Artie simply walks by carrying a tray of food, and I laughed. He's such a pathetic, but comedic, character.

Well, Tony S. never DID have the makings of a varsity athlete…maybe Charmaine's boobs have been distracting him all the way back to high school.

I did notice how Tony phrases it to Johnny! Tricky.

I had to rewind it, his face is hilarious.

Tony B. says something about rubbing his new boss the wrong way, and Tony S. makes a joke about "maybe you shouldn't be a masseuse." Tony B. pauses, then, "oh." at the joke. It is the perfect timing and delivery…totally nailed it.

What about Junior's instructions to not dump his ashes off a bridge, then Tony throwing the painting over a bridge? Anything there? Junior's glory days, the Rat Pack nostalgia connection maybe?

No mention of Hugh Glass…I guess that was in the 1820s.

Also, S4 contains Christopher's intervention.

Garner Ellerbee and his dad in S2…

I'm trying to think of ANYONE I find hotter than Ade. She is way, way up there.

Ralphie should be in contention.

I don't know if this helps or will matter, but I've been a stay-at-home mom for 5 years, and I miss the daily catch-ups with coworkers who know all about your life. Obviously I didn't have a very demanding or important job.