Green Arrow

Yup. That song is fucking perfect.

Ampersand. I cried in public while eating a sandwich.

That list seems to show them as the highest rated rock station in Chicago. C'est la vie. At least they introduced you to the 97's.

Totally fair. As further evidence, according to Wikipedia (the most trusted resource of factual information known to man) XRT began broadcasting its "freeform rock" format all day in 1976. A commercial station in a major market must be somewhat popular if it hasn't changed its format in almost 40 years?

I know terrestrial radio is dying a fast death, but almost everyone I know in Chicago listens to XRT.

Wait, are you saying XRT isn't popular, or that they aren't known for playing mainstream music?

I've already bought half of these on Blu-Ray. Couldn't hurt to have duplicates, right?

Current priorities:
1. Grow actual goatee
2. Convince Diggle to conceal his identity
3. Form exploratory committee regarding potential mayoral bid

This is why Ted Danson cancelled Cheers.

I'm still waiting for an obit for Ian M. Banks.

I refuse to upvote this comment.

This makes me somewhat hopeful for next season.

See: Bill Cosby

It can't be worse than last season, can it?

I guess I know what I'll be doing in October.

We don't know his address yet.

He was sadly fired from the dissolve, and is now a freelancer.

So, no books then?

If they hate these festivals so much, why are they headlining Pitchfork?

Pics of Your Own Petard's mother can be sent to olliedaman@cityfails.com.