Green Arrow

We need to talk…

::shuffles out like Charlie Brown::

I've been calling him evil Ed all season, which makes people think I'm talking about fright night.

Thanks for bringing that up …

When your only "power" is shooting arrows really, really well.

Seconded. The comics were fun, if I recall. This is just distractingly bad.

I am just about ready to give up on this show. This entire season has been a train wreck.

soooo good.


Richard the Dys-hearted.

Thank you for representing. I'll go back to the Arrow Cave now

The Baroque Cycle of GTFO.

Sooo, I was totally wrong. I thought he played a recurring character, but IMDB tells me he was only in one episode. ::hangs head in shame::

Well done.

I'm not the only one!

Counterpoint: That 70's Show.

I'm surprised Modest Mouse isn't in the line up.

Winter's Downloaded was pretty interesting. I'll give this a shot.

The institutional knowledge around this place has really fallen off.

Thank you. This made my day.