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    Jesus Christ if you want to read a recent grad student's evaluation of the new X-Men movie go to the AV Club. It's like this guy is competing with another dude in a tweed jacket to write the most Freudian piece of shit ever written. The movie is probably garbage but this guy overthinks it so much that it makes me…

    Sparse essentials? I think you meant to say "bear necessities."

    "You can't get rid of a hangover by watching Frisky Dingo."
    "Well, not with that attitude."
    "Not with any attitude!"

    And Coup is a great game. The iphone app is almost as good but takes away from staring a person in the eyes and lying to their face.

    Why do people use Monopoly as a standard for friends turning against each other when everyone knows Diplomacy is the greatest friendship destroying game of all time?

    Pretty sure he banged her in Oz.

    This comment would have been better if it had never been written.

    Dude. Celebrate Ricky Sargulesh is the greatest Party Down episode. No one denies this!

    So Fibbage is basically Balderdash?

    I enjoyed the shit out of this.

    Where the fuck is Nightcrawler, asshole?

    I watched Big Fish three days after my mom died of a prolonged fight with cancer. That one stung.


    My Big Fat Greek Restaurants…are those still around? Because fuck that place.