Adam Smith

Eobard to Ray….."Kalima"

First off this show is the corniest, cornifide, show ever made and I love it for it's zero "you know what's" given.
Couple Points:
1.) Rip at the end out of nowhere I got to go now got another acting gig to get to. "well see you later kids try not and wreck time." Soon as he leaves time is wrecked.
2.) I really like

Barry learned his lesson about messing with the time line after 3 years I see.

Barry only promised Jay that he would not mess with the past anymore he never said anything about the future. Second half of the season tag line should be. "Barry has meddled with the past now it is time to royally F up the future."

To me this episode was a turning point. Season 2 has been infinitely more likeable than season one just by subtraction of the horrible hawkman and girl, and the incredibly poorly realized Vadal Savage, but although the first couple episodes of this season have been enjoyable for me still have been average in my

That is true he has put up with Barry's Jackassery for years.

Julian's hair deserves an Emmy for worst hairstyle on a tv show. Am I the only one that wanted Joe to backhand the nerd instead of giving him a heart to heart pep talk? Whaa, people are mean to me so I created a giant monster hologram to terrorize innocent people. Seems the logical course. Is there little doubt

It's interesting as bad as Arrow has been the last two years all of a sudden it is good again and dare I say at least so far this season clearly better than Flash and LOT. It is obvious that they are making a concerted effort to write Oliver as a bad ass again opposed to watered down other half of the ill advised

I know dare to dream! I just hope beyond hope they could step the writing up a notch! Positivity!

Destroyer of shows more like it! At least we are not subjected to golly jilikers Ray Ray and The Ollie love triangle! Talk about turning Felicity into a boy crazy knob! Now that was painful!

Silence, olicity is the greastest villian in the history of DC and must be stopped at all costs! How many damn bullets did they unload into that limo and couldnt get the job done! Flipping minions cant do anything right! This show needs a strong well written female stat!

Praise be to the Comic gods this relationship is finally over. Glad the writers finally realized this was a dead end. Don't care who is right or wrong this ill conceived relationship has held this show back long enough. I can't take the twenty times an episode anymore feelings fest where dig ask Oliver, "how you

Will Cisco ever get all of his vibe powers, or are they scared it will be too similar to Daisy on AOS? Creepy Touch Guy is played out. Will Barry stop being the biggest wiener Super Hero Ever. Seriously, eat a sandwich and learn how to fight? Can't Oliver teach him to fight? The headlong run real fast and hip

If you saw that twist coming congratulations to you. What is it with this show and Evil Doctors though? Still can't believe Capcom has not sued for use of Blanka from Street Fighter without permission.