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    Well, you're comparing an established, highly acclaimed song from a famous musical to completely original music made for a single TV episode. Not exactly surprising that the former was better. I thought the Flash episode was fairly impressive for what it was.

    I love this theory, but it won't happen if the show gets cancelled between seasons (please god no!) Let's hope the show lasts long enough for the writers to end it on their terms.

    If Toph used echolocation, she'd be able to "see" through both the earth and the air. You yourself just cited Ember Island Players as "proof" of this claim; that she can "see" the same way bats can: through vibrations in the air. That's not how her ability works, as my quote actually does prove. She sees through

    Wow, you actually took actor-Toph's "sonic wave from my mouth" explanation seriously? That was a joke; she "sees" through vibrations in the earth, not sound waves. Nowhere in The Blind Bandit does she mention echolocation, but she does explain (and this is verbatim):

    "…and I'm STILL WAITING!!!"