
I look forward to Oliver scenes— he's such a lovely guy in the midst of all those messed up people. He should be paid for all the work he does for Team Annalise.

Saw Interstellar and Big Hero 6 back-to-back. I think I enjoyed them more that way than I would have if I'd seen them separately. Interstellar was a little too heavy-handed and Big Hero 6 was a little too fluffy, so they cancelled each other out. That said, I liked both movies.

I don't care for the idea of Abbie/ Hawley very much. Funnily, I kind of thought Hawley would pull an "I'm bi by the way" with how intense he acted towards Ichabod this episode. And here I thought, huh, an Ichabod/ Hawley/ Abbie triangle would be more amusing than the Mills sisters and Hawley triangle the show is

This show seemed absolutely magical while I watched it; I was totally engrossed. Any of the character types could easily have been cloying in a lesser show, but instead, all of the characters played off of each other perfectly and were totally endearing.

I haven't enjoyed any of the show writers' original material so far, so I doubt I'll enjoy a huge departure from the books very much. I think the showrunners are decent at adapting material from the books, but their original material is somewhat cheesy and obtuse. I'd feel better about it if the show had more talented

Aban-dome-ment issues everywhere. God dome-it.

I've always imagined modern-day Loras would be a European soccer player (amusing Google search: gay soccer gifs). He'd take gay football players over boring trials any day.

Alternating between "god, this is boring" and "I hate everyone here so it doesn't matter".

Margaery's reaction faces this season make great gifs. And even Loras got in on the Tyrell Stink Face™ this time!