
Late to the party but definitely my best episode of the season so far. Method Man's cameo in the attempted heist, radio interview and dropping that awesome rap track was golden. Bullet hole hoodies are going to be popular this halloween. Loved Mariah and Shades in this episode and their pragmatic view on how best to

Is the reviewer frikking kidding me? This was the best episode of the series.

I believe Shapiro's team first found out about Fuhrman then passed it on to Toobin during the interview who then publicized it in his New Yorker article.

FXNOW app should solve that, all episodes should be available there.

Racism won the case? Or a defense team that created enough reasonable doubt to win an acquittal? This wasn't a hung jury everyone including the whites voted to acquit.

you mean "doesn't", I presume?

Long time browser of this site, first time I've felt compelled to write. I can't fathom how this episode gets a B. The attention to detail, both scientifically and otherwise makes this show incredible and this episode in particular fantastic. The decapitation and the crew's businesslike manner of ensuring survival