Aaron Goldberg

Yeah, I'm not sure that the XX nor Polica has ever made a PBR&B album. Not sure why the reviewer went there.

This album is their best, by a pretty good margin.

Wow, good list. The only glaring omissions I can think of are Tame Impala's Currents and Jamie xx's In Colour.

You're misusing the term "fuckboy".

He was misquoted.

You lumped Mars Volta in with 30 Seconds to Mars and Coheed. Damn it all to hell.

Girl is scared of movie, turns down part. Girl regrets turning down part so tries to get everyone to not like the movie as much and then hates the most famous song from it because it reminds her that she turned it down. The rest of this "explanation" is just window dressing.

Interesting. I was shown this film for a class in college not too long after it came out because the teacher thought it was brilliant. I thought it was brilliant, too, and so did everyone I showed it to. Never realized it had so much hate/derision. Just thought it was under the radar because it dealt with a few

I recall reading something but not exactly what. He had sexual relations with the girlfriend in front of the guy if I'm not mistaken.

My personal 11 Best Albums of the Year, in no particular order:
Chvrches - The Bones of What you Believe
Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels (How is this on no one's list? Ridiculous)
Savages - Silence Yourself
The Knife - Shaking the Habitual
Queens of the Stone Age - Like Clockwork
Foals - Holy Fire
Local Natives - Hummingbird

I'd probably rank them the same way, maybe:

I'd probably rank them the same way, maybe:

People still listen to that 1 good, 2 decent songs album? It's not as good as any QotSA album, regardless of the talent involved.


Tried it, didn't like it. For you if you enjoy repetitive cliches, folksy blugrass music, line dancing, dosey does. 

Reese is very hot. I had a roommate in college who loved Katherine Heigl. This was 10 years ago when she was only a ridiculously hot model, and not yet an actress. I find Heigl to be pretty hot when she tries to flaunt it rather than turning everything into a protest of Hollywood. Feel free to Google her old modeling

Yeah, as they try to stay current and hip and see electronic music and DJs taking over every bar.

That's funny, because I find it so not funny because I think he's incredibly unlikeable.

Tosh.O > Mulaney.

I stopped reading at "Denis Leary". Seriously, a half-ripped off album, even if it was a non-ripped off moment, can not at all ever be "profound".