
Read up on the Duluth Model.

You had no clue about the tender years doctrine, you have no idea what the duluth model is. I have more knowledge about the feminist laws put into place by your movement than you do. That is something to consider.,

I read it, so what? The tender years doctrine is still influencing modern thought, while Europe has started to shrug that crap off, the US still suffers from its grip. I've yet to mention the Duluth model either.

Actually, this is demonstrably false. Men do not have the same rights under the law as women do. Genital integrity, parental and custodial rights, being biased against in the justice system. In some countries in the west it's still legal for a woman to drug and then rape a man by envelopment and possibly sue him for

It's not a gotcha game.

You're literally describing the rights of men as the "Dark Side". It's only ideologues that speak in such terms. This conversation won't lead anywhere productive. Have a good day.

"Just because a woman thought it up doesn't mean I agree it's in line with modern feminism's egalitarian goals."

"Name TWO ways in which that's true."

Men having automatic custody - Patriarchy
Women having automatic custody - Patriarchy

You're attributing all modern thought that stands behind the rights of gays, blacks, atheists and the like to feminism. That is appropriation on the extreme. You taking the achievements of the civil rights movement and attributing it to the feminist movement is gross, if nothing else.

Never ever seen the MRM make women into scapegoat. Literally never.

That is an extremely broad generalization, snatching up the progress made by other progressive movements to then attribute them to feminism.

Then why does history disagree with you? It's pretty clear that custodial roles were directly given to men. Now they're being directly given to women and as you say, this direct handing over of custodial role to the female gender is a sexist and patriarchal assumption based on women being the better caretaker.

I find it hard that someone who's racist would sleep with the people they hate. Eh-h, whatever.

"Roosh is part of the MRA hate movement"

Actually, I'm calling the men horses. As they drag the cart. They do the work to keep the family moving forwards, while the children and mother sit in the carriage.

You agree with me that you cannot criticize a whole movement based on the actions of a single individual.

Actually, Ban Bossy cost millions upon millions of dollars in marketing and took up huge media attention for almost a whole week.

It's for the arguments sake. Lets say a feminist does something really bad. For example, she assaults and kills a man.

It isn't a lie. The current laws during divorce proceedings are directly caused by a feminist activist. Before her, the custody of children almost always went to the man. So no, it isn't a lie. You need to become more historically literate.