
Extremely minor quibble, but I strongly disliked when Maeve explained to Felix that she meant "that as a compliment" after telling him he makes a "terrible human being." We got that! It packed much more punch as one of the few (only?) touching moments in the series without the unnecessary explanation. I get that it's

Right. I think there were even a couple shots like this. Thought it was pretty clear.

Glad you wrote this. I spent more time than was reasonable trying to figure out how Harry and Jesse wouldn't know about the extra room at Star Labs and my only answer was this. Maybe this is well-established in the comics or I missed it at some point during the show.

Right, that I get. And the way you describe it IS more significant than I was giving it credit. But I guess I felt like the hosts developing a physical response to the fly touching their "skin" would be less significant to the writers, emotionally, than developing the ability (desire? intent?) to kill a living thing

That's a good point I hadn't thought of. Could also be consistent with the fact that they don't swat flies away (unless "awakened" as Dolores likely is). True, annoyance IS and emotion but swatting is in response to physical annoyance/irritation of the skin, something they may not be designed to experience. Although

I'm sorry if this is discussed below, but are the hosts supposed to be incapable of hurting living things or of even attempting to hurt living things? The flies on the faces seem to suggest they are incapable of even attempt (until Dolores' final shot proves otherwise), but Teddy was able to shoot at the Ed Harris

Do we know the err…full…details here? Did something in the scene indicate Gretchen was able to achieve the desired result?

"He starts monologuing!"

One of the first, if not these first, lines of the post Earth-2 episode was Joe saying 'Earth to Barry." I rather enjoyed that. This would have been even better.

Wait a tick…after killing the time remnant Jay/Hunter and bringing him back to his Earth-2 lair, didn't Zoom tear off his mask, stare at the time remnant's lifeless body and say something to the effect of, "this is a complication." Now we find out it was all part of the plan? Either I'm missing something or this

"Earth to Barry." They had to know what they were doing there, right?