
I don't get the impression that this is about finding collaborators, as much as it's in brainstorming and workshopping business models. I pay my bills with my band and my Etsy shop. That doesn't mean you have to be a musician or a wood-worker to give me ideas on how to better leverage my efforts.

Yes. As I said, if he wishes to draw a dichotomy between himself and Jesse Thorn, it is not in his having "humility" enough to keep his opinions to himself, it's in that he doesn't make anything.

Yeah, sort of. Except Etsy's interest in encouraging a maker of things is in keeping them under the Etsy umbrella and taking 3% off the top.

Its no such thing. The man said compared himself to Jesse Thorn, and said the difference was he kept his opinions to himself. I posited that that's a ridiculous statement.

You couldn't be more wrong. You are continually spouting off your opinions, the ones that nobody cares about. The difference here is that you aren't DOING anything. You spout them off in the laziest way possible: thread commenting. You don't make or produce anything